Library & Open Learning Services

Library & Open Learning Services

OER FAQs for Faculty

1. Do I qualify for a stipend under Title III if I convert my course to OER?

The following are the courses the Title III Grant is targeting for OER conversions for the grant years 2023 through 2028. If you teach one of these courses, you may qualify for funding under Title III to convert your course to OER.



American Institutions

Life Sciences

Physical Sciences

Social & Behavioral Sciences

Fine Arts


2. I see my course on the target list, what are the basic requirements for OER course conversions?

The primary requirement for a course to be considered OER is that all course learning materials be available to students for FREE. Library staff are available to assist you as you seek for teaching resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use.

3. In addition to gathering open-source materials, I’d like to author my own content. If I work under the Title III Grant, who owns my writing?

The project agreement contains the following:

Agree to a joint-copyright ownership between the Faculty and the University for course material and design that is created by the Faculty during the course of this project.

Agree to archive the completed course shell (all materials, assessments, syllabi, readings, presentations, etc.) with the Library.

4. What is the timeframe for an OER course conversion?

Most OER course conversion projects are completed from conception to implementation to final report within 1 to 1.5 years.

5. I see the benefits of No Textbook Costs for my students and would like to begin the process of converting my course to OER, where do I sign up?

Please contact Emma Lanners, OER Librarian at for complete details, to learn the stipend amount that will be granted to you, to sign your agreement, and to begin your OER course conversion.

6. My course is not on the list, but I’m still interested. How can I move forward with an OER course conversion?

Please contact Emma Lanners, OER Librarian at to learn what assistance is available to you as you embark on your project.