LLS 1010 Information Literacy
Module 9 Resources

Open the Citation Assignment/Quiz in the Module 9. Read the instructions below. Complete the quiz as directed.

Please check the Syllabus for the due date for submitting this assignment/quiz. You must submit the assignment/quiz in Canvas. The Module 9 Citation Assignment/Quiz must be hand-graded by your instructor, so your score will not be available immediately after you submit the assignment/quiz. Many students need to complete a second attempt for this assignment/quiz, so be sure to check back for your score, read your instructor’s comments carefully, and come to the Reference Desk in the library for help as needed.

Select one of the two options for this assignment/quiz: MLA Style or APA Style. Create bibliographic citations in the chosen style for the following items as directed in the assignment/quiz.

Contact your instructor via Canvas mail or come to the library Reference Desk for assistance. Many students have benefitted from the assistance available at the library Reference Desk for this assignment/quiz.

Lastly, here are a few other tips:

Put these ten sources into the correct format (MLA or APA).

  1. Book: Thanking the Monkey
  2. Authored chapter in a book/Anthology: Chapter 5, “Animal — Property or Person?”
  3. ebook: For the Prevention of Cruelty: The History and Legacy of Animal Rights Activism in the United States
  4. Subject encyclopedia: Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice
  5. Magazine article from a database: “Do Animals Have Rights?”
  6. Newspaper article from a database: “Violence won’t save animals”
  7. Scholarly journal article from a database: “It Is Time to Take a Stand for Medical Research and Against Terrorism Targeting Medical Scientists”
  8. Article from an authoritative website: “French researchers torture mice to study effects of painkillers”
  9. Authoritative website: World Animal Protection
  10. Online video: “Animal factories and the abuse of power”

Book: Thanking the Monkey

cover title verso

Authored chapter in a book/Anthology: Chapter 5, “Animal — Property or Person?”

cover title table copy

ebook: For the Prevention of Cruelty: The History and Legacy of Animal Rights Activism in the United States

Permalink: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/dixie/detail.action?docID=10156421&p00=for+prevention+cruelty%3A+history+legacy+animal+rights+activism+united+states

ebook ebook

Subject encyclopedia from a database: Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice

encyclopedia encyclopedia

Magazine article from a database: “Do Animals Have Rights?”

Permalink: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=f6h&AN=40085527&site=ehost-live

magazine magazine

Newspaper article from a database: “Violence won’t save animals”

Permalink: http://search.proquest.com/docview/409027561?accountid=27045


Scholarly journal article from a database: “It Is Time to Take a Stand for Medical Research and Against Terrorism Targeting Medical Scientists”

journal article journal article

Article from an authoritative website: “French researchers torture mice to study effects of painkillers”

URL: http://www.naturalnews.com/021077_animal_cruelty_testing.html

online article online article

Authoritative website: World Animal Protection

The date of access was on December 5, 2016.

URL: https://www.worldanimalprotection.org/

webpage webpage

Online video: “Animal Factories and the abuse of power”

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2pMlY2sJts

online video